
Fees and Funding Options in South Australia


What is WorkReady?

WorkReady is a South Australian government initiative that brings together funding for training, employment and skills activities. WorkReady is about targeting training and employment opportunities to the needs of people, strategic industries and regions. Individuals need to meet course entry requirements and verify their eligibility for enrolment before being enrolled in a government subsidised training place.

For more information on WorkReady, please visitآ the Government of South Australia Department of Industry and Skills websiteآ here atآ 


What Does WorkReady Offer?

WorkReady has been designed so that students, job seekers, employers, industry, the training sectors and government have the flexibility to respond to changing social, geographic and economic circumstances and opportunities.

The Government wants people to be in the best position to successfully complete their training course or employment project and move into higher level qualifications and/or a job.

Participants receive an upfront assessment of their learning and support needs which includes using a foundation skills assessment tool. This identifies literacy and numeracy issues that need to be immediately addressed.

Based on the assessment and individual preferences, people are able to access training, employment and skills development options from three streams of WorkReady activity:

  •  Preparatory – includes foundation literacy and numeracy skills courses, prevocational courses and Adult Community Education (ACE) courses
  • Industry entry level – includes courses designed for direct entry into a job, traineeship or apprenticeship; and employment projects developed with employers at the local and regional level for job seekers who have barriers to employment
  • Upskilling – higher level courses, skill sets and skill clusters, usually undertaken by people already in a job to improve their skills or to reskill. This stream will include a selection of priority courses identified through industry consultation that are imperative to meeting the government’s economic and strategic objectives.

Eligibility Criteria

You may be eligible for a government subsidised training place if you either live or work in South Australia, and:

  • are an Australian or New Zealand Citizen, or
  • are a permanent Australian resident, or
  • hold a state sponsored visa on a pathway to permanent residency (see eligible visa types below)

You also need to be one of the following:

  • aged 16 years or over and not enrolled at school

Check your eligibility by  , and to view details on the Subsidised Training List, pleaseآ .

Concession Eligibility

Students who hold any of the following concession cards at the time of their enrolment may be eligible to for a concession fee:

  • Hold a health care card
  • Hold a pensioner concession card
  • Hold a pensioner concession card issued by the Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Are a prison inmate, a detainee, on remand, held in a South Australian institution in connection with the commission of an offence, or a child in a South Australian detention centre older than 16 years.

Please note: Proof of eligibility for concession must be demonstrated at the time of enrolment. If the concession is valid for the full enrolment period, then all eligible units commenced within that period attract the concession rate. If the concession is valid for part of the enrolment period, then only eligible units commenced prior to the expiry of the concession attract the concession rate.

Courses Available and Costs to the Participant

The following are WorkReady subsided qualifications for eligible participants.

CHC33021 Certificate III Individual Support (Ageing and Disability)

WorkReady Funding
Fees for students who meet the eligibility criteria for WorkReady Funding
Participant Fee:$312.50, or
Concession Fee:$250
Fees for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for WorkReady Funding
Fee For Service Fees:$1750*
*Indicative fee may/may not include enrolment and material fees; all fees are in Australian Dollars and are subject to change.
Incidental Fees
Associated fees for students to undertake before commencing vocational placement
National Police Check:$42
Please refer the South Australia Police website for fees associated the police check byآ .

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

WorkReady Funding
Fees for students who meet the eligibility criteria for WorkReady Funding
Participant Fee: $600, or
Concession Fee: $300
Fees for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for WorkReady Funding
Fee For Service Fees: $3,500*
*Indicative fee may/may not include enrolment and material fees; all fees are in Australian Dollars and are subject to change.
Incidental Fees
Associated fees for students to undertake before commencing vocational placement
Working with children check: $65.45
For DSCI clearance associated fees, please check South Australia Government Department of Human Services Screening units by .


How to Apply

Please contact our Adelaide Campus for more information on WorkReady. Our team will provide you with more information and assist you through every step of the enrolment process

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